Sound Steppers Walking Club is a member of America’s Walking Club (AVA), which has walks all over the United States. These are non-competitive walks with distances of 5K, 10K, etc. On their website, my.ava.org, you can use your computer or mobile device to:
- Find/view all the walks in the United States
- Register to do walk events using the “Online Start Box” (OSB)
- Pay to get directions and credit for completing events using your “Event Bank”
- Track your activity and accomplishments
- Print recorded walking activity in distance and/or events, which can be recorded on books. (Distance and Event books are available at Sound Stepper events)
Note that some of the my.ava.org content is only available after logging into your personal user account. We recommend first setting up your own user account, by signing into (my.ava.org/index/php)

The site has a detailed Tutorial to create your free AVA user account:
and another to use the OSB to register, download directions, and complete events:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are also available: